Sandwich chutney (Marz-o-rin style)

The very mention of sandwich brings two wonderful memories. .. One is mumbai style street sandwich filled with veggies and layered with butter and chutney. For the more indulgent cheese is also added.

My second favorite sandwich is from two places which have similar nostalgic taste.. Marzorin (a shop in Pune) and Central Bakery (a shop in Grant Road near the ticket counter). I'm sure the Marzorin chutney sandwich is still available and is also quite famous. Central bakery sandwich for me were a grab and move snack to pick and run into the waiting train on platform No. 1. though I'm not sure if it is still available.

If the chutney is good then sandwich is a hit if not it's a miss for me. Just a plain one or different combination of veggies and cheese is based on the mood.

This chutney recipe for Marzorin style chutney. For typical mumbai sandwich the chutney would be more spicy and different ingredients. You can check out that recipe too in my blog. Find the link at the end of this post.

The ingredients are very simple
Corainder leaves.. 2 cups
Mint leaves 1/2 cup
Coconut grated 1/2 cup
Ginger 1 inch piece
Garlic 5/6 cloves
Green chillies 5 (can adjust according to your spice love)
Sugar 2 tsp
Lime juice 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Cold Water as required / ice cubes


Add all the above ingredients in a mixer jar and water little by little. We don't want a runny chutney so go slow on adding water.

Taste the chutney in between to make any adjustments if needed.

The ice cubes help maintain the green color of the chutney.

Enjoy by applying to butter slices of bread.

For mumbai street style sandwich chutney following the link below.



Suhas Choudhari said…
Thanks for posting your recipe.I too love those Chutney sandwiches.��